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 The Ivisan Municipality located in the province of Capiz,Philippines.

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Long prior to the Spanish foray, this place  was wilderness, so rounded with thick plant life and big trees. The people lived by groups at first, serene of about five or seven families. Later on, these groups founded a village. Due to the geographical situation of the town the chief livelihood of the people were mostly fishing and a little farming. Whenever people far from villages yearned for the fresh fish they always said “lets go the place where there is an abundance of  “ibis” (refers to small fish).

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 The Municipality of Ivisan

Long prior to the Spanish foray, this place  was wilderness, so rounded with thick plant life and big trees. The people lived by groups at first, serene of about five or seven families. Later on, these groups founded a village. Due to the geographical situation of the town the chief livelihood of the people were mostly fishing and a little farming. Whenever people far from villages yearned for the fresh fish they always said “lets go the place where there is an abundance of  “ibis” (refers to small fish). They usually come in groups stayed for weeks, salting and preserving the small fish that they could get. Later on, when the Spaniards came, they thought it wise to give a proper name to the village. The Provincial Governor appointed a committee. This in turn called a meeting of all the prominent men of the village purposely for the selection of an appropriate name for this pueblo. The people together with the Spanish Officials, aware of the fact that the place was famous for  “Ibis” , unanimously deemed it right and proper to call it “Ibisan”. Officially however, the Spaniards called it  “IVisan” because of their preferences of the letter  “V” to  “B”. Modern scholars nevertheless, under the influence of American Educators called  “Iuisan” primarily for the sake of euphony and secondly for the reason that old roman writing they write  “U” as “V” hence reading V as U  as “IUISAN”.

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The Municipality of Ivisan

The primary livelihood of the Municipality of Ivisan is "fishing". Ivisan also one of the municipality here in Capiz that produces sea foods. Fresh fishes and different sea shells were gathered in the sea and some cages of some private citizens. 

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"wana sex with me!"

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"sex finder group"

I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me, I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant old friend of mine, to me along the way.

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my first blogging career

 Hey! ..this is Aileen U. Valdisimo ,came from Basiao,Ivisan,Capiz.I finished my at Looc,Basiao,elem.School and my secondary education at Basiao,National,High,School.I took my college education taking up a Bachelor of Computer Science Ladderized at Hercor College,18 years of age..
        I know that college life was very challenging and very difficult in person to started new adventure in life,but through my determination to reach my goals,i started to manage my time as will as i limit it in doing things that are not essential.I fucosed my life to study w/o realizing that i reap my success because of some  many reason and my greatest achievement in my life is to become a proffesional woman someday, and raising my family...
           Who is my ideal man???
             ....Will keep it secret nalang!!!!ahehehe

                "Knowledge can be achieved through education hence,the wisdom from the lord.After all you make plans but god direct your action."

                            "The  greatest glory is never falling but faising everything you fall."


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